1. I missed orientation, how do I learn about the LMS?

Answer: Kindly follow this link [insert link here] to learn how to use the LMS. Also visit ODeL offices for more clarification.

2. How do I sync my units?

Answer: Watch this video [insert link] for guidance.

3. How do you remove previous semester units from the e-learning portal?

Answer: Follow the following steps to remove previously registered units.

a. Log into your LMS.

b. Click on the dashboard icon on icons menu to left of screen.

c. Click on the less than (<) symbol at the centre edge to the Right of the screen.

d. Navigate down the pull-out pane to where the units’ icons/ names appear.

e. Click on the three dots (…) beside the unit you want to remove.

f. Click remove from view.

You can also watch this video [insert link] for more guidance.

4. I want to change my password, what should I do?

Answer: To change your password, follow this steps;

a. Log into your LMS.

b. Navigate to the Your profile icon towards the top right side of the LMS dashboard.

c. Click profile on the dropdown menu.

d. Click Edit profile icon in the Settings section of the left.

e. Click change password on the dropdown menu.

f. In the General settings of the User Section, enter the old and the new password.

g. After the New Password is entered click save changes/Update Profile.

Follow this link to watch the video [insert link]

5. I forgot my password

Contact the ODeL system administrator regarding the issue.

6. I can’t see e-notes on the platform, what do I do?

Answer: To access resources on the LMS, follow this steps:

a. Log into your LMS.

b. Navigate to the specific unit on the dashboard.

c. Click on the unit name or the unit icon.

d. Navigate to the section/week/topic.

e. Click on the resource to download/ or read.

Follow this link to watch the video [insert link]

You can also contact the respective lecturer of the unit regarding the issue.

7. I can’t find my units on the LMS, what should I do?


a. The units must be registered.

b. Synchronize your registered units on the LMS [link on how to sync]

c. Contact the ODeL system administrator regarding the issue.